Our 2015 Fall Technologist Meeting was held Oct 10 in Shreveport, LA.

Educational sessions were held in the LSU-Shreveport Medical Center Auditorium. The final program schedule was as follows:

7:30   Registration

8:00   Opening Remarks, SWC-TS President David Campbell, CNMT 

8:15   SNMMI-TS Quality Initiative: Raising Awareness & Ensuring Competence, Mary Beth Farrell, CNMT 

9:15   The Role of Accreditation in Quality Imaging, Mary Beth Farrell, CNMT

10:15  Morning Break & Visit the Exhibits

10:45  MPI: Nuts and Bolts, Peeyush Bhargava, MD

11:45  Lunch & Visit the Exhibits

12:30  MRI Safety, David Campbell, CNMT

1:30   Perspectives for the Hybrid CNMT, Scott Adams, MD

2:30   Afternoon Break & Visit the Exhibits

3:00   Patient Dose Reduction in Nuclear Medicine Studies
J.R. Sonnad, PhD

4:00   Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging: Recent Advances & Future Perspectives, Amol Takalkar, MD

5:00  Adjourn