Technologist Section Student Council

The Southwestern Chapter (SWC) SNMMI Technologist Section is excited to announce the development of our Student Council. Our technologist students are the future leaders and our goal is to mentor and get them involved in the Chapter so they can develop and maintain a passion for the profession that lasts long after graduation.

We created a working group of two nuclear medicine students and their program director and together, they have come up with the core elements of the Student Council. The Mission Statement, Values, and Vision Statements all reflect the desire to encourage student growth and involvement within the SWC as this leads to a sense of community, success, recognition for work well done, and encourages leadership skills. The Vision Statement says it best: To be the bridge between nuclear medicine students and the SWC-SNMMI. These students are our future Secretaries, Presidents-Elects, and Presidents. Our responsibility as a Chapter is to make sure they feel welcomed and help them in their professional journey.

Our Values

  • Growth

  • Leadership

  • Community

  • Success

  • Recognition

Our Vision

To be the bridge between nuclear medicine students and the Southwest Chapter, SNMMI.

Our Mission

We wish to encourage student involvement through collaboration between nuclear medicine programs and to be a resource for student excellence in learning and competency. We aim to promote life-long learning through social media networks, research opportunities, and practical workshops.

Objective 1: To collaborate between the SWC-SNMMI and regional Nuclear Medicine Programs.

  1. SWC-SNMMI Fall meeting will be co-chaired by a Nuclear Medicine program director and their students each year.

  2. Students from an SWC Nuclear Medicine Program will be given the opportunity to present at an SWC-SNMMI meeting.

  3. Graduates will hold job placement and resume workshops for student council members.

  4. Committee members will conduct practical workshops for students in the SWC-SNMMI Nuclear Medicine Programs.

Objective 2: The committee will build the leadership skills of the council members and students in Nuclear Medicine Programs.

  1. Committee members will recommend two students per year to attend the Leadership Academy.

  2. Committee members will conduct an annual leadership lecture for Nuclear Medicine students.

  3. Annual elections will be held for the Council President, Vice President, and Secretary.

  4. Student council leaders will have opportunities to assume leadership roles in the SWC-SNMMI and national SNMMI committees.

Objective 3: The committee will foster life-long learning and participation in the Nuclear Medicine community.

  1. Council members will volunteer at local and/or national SNMMI events.

  2. Student volunteer activities will include outreach into their local communities.

  3. Student Council members will be published in a Nuclear Medicine journal or newsletter yearly.

  4. Two student council members per year will be nominated to serve on the student council committee.

Objective 4: The student council will recognize other students and technologists for their outstanding support of the SNMMI and Nuclear Medicine students.

  1. Council members will nominate one student per year for their community involvement.

  2. Council members will nominate one student per year for their SNMMI involvement.

  3. Council members will nominate one Nuclear Medicine Technologist per year for their exceptional clinical mentorship.

  4. Council members will nominate one Nuclear Medicine Program Director or Clinical Coordinator per year for their outstanding contributions to their students’ success.

Please reach out to Shannon Youngblood [shannonnixonyoungblood(at)] with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!